6 Signs You’ll Make It as a Freelance Video Editor

Let’s be real. It’s hard to tell whether it’s worth going ALL IN on a career in video editing.

How do you know if you’re good enough? How do you know you have enough passion to carry you through years of ups and downs with finding clients and trying to make enough money each month?

If we haven’t met yet, I’m Colleen and in this blog, I will help you get a job doing what you love. Whether that’s video editing, graphic design, or blog writing.

For more tips on video editing, creativity and freelance lifestyle, be sure to check out my youtube channel where I dive into the nitty gritty about my self-employed life as a freelance video editor!

You’ve received positive feedback from clients

This is, of course, the more obvious sign that you’re doing well as a video editor. You got positive feedback from clients! If you have a habit of doubting your confidence, I would suggest making a point to screenshot any praise you’ve gotten from any of your clients (even if it’s from years ago).

Collect them and put them in a folder, or better yet, create a collage with them on Photoshop or Canva. Positive feedback is something that I used to overlook, but now I use it as fuel when my video editing confidence is low!

You’ve gravitated towards a specific niche within video editing

Why is this pertinent? Well, I’ve said this before that video editing space is incredibly vast and competition is constantly increasing! If you haven’t already moved towards a specific niche in video editing, it’d be a good idea to do so. Now this could be social media video editing, gaming videos, sports highlights, weddings, corporate, narrative or even animation.

If you have  concentrated yourself within a video editing niche, you more than likely did so because you’re interested in that niche. Finding a niche is what I also consider job security. When you have a specialty within video editing, it’s like having a craft within a craft, and you become more valuable with that special knowledge.

You’re always interested in improving your skills

If you find yourself still keeping up with tutorials or other online classes, or maybe you constantly keep the question in your head “is there a faster way I could be doing this?” Maybe you are applying for jobs that are a weeeee bit out of your comfort zone.

Video editing is a skill like basketball or call of duty or painting! Not only is it easy to get stuck in the same rhythm of your editing workflow, it can be easy to build up a little wall to protect the way you like to do things. If this is not you, you’re more than likely going to be successful because you know that your value can consistently increase when you prioritize knowledge and skill advancement. 

You can make it through the slow seasons

This is a shoutout to my fellow freelance video editors out there! If you were concerned these past couple months, or maybe during another time where you’re not getting as many clients (like Christmas), you’re not alone! Slow seasons can be scary as a freelancer because you don’t know if you’ll be able to hit your pay marks by the time you send out invoices.

However you can make it through slow seasons, whether that be from long term clients keeping you afloat, or from saving up throughout the year, sticking it out is definitely a sign that you’ll make it long term as a freelance video editor.

You love exploring connected fields

Depending on your niche, there may be other facets of post production involved in your process. This could be animation, lighting, sound design, videography, color, etc. If those things annoy you or you aren’t interested in learning those fields, you might be in trouble here.

I think it’s important to find an interest in these connected fields because, again, they’re more than likely to come up in your workflow depending on what you’re working on. But also, I’m sure you would agree that having interests in other fields creates a more worthwhile experience in your day to day work. It can prevent you from that monotony that video editing can bring!

You edit.

I think there are some people out there that sit and wait for editing projects to come their way. Or maybe video editing is 3rd on their list of favorite ways to make money. That’s fine!!! But you know that the only way to truly make it as a professional freelance video editor is to make editing the priority!

You’re an artist, and like a painter or professional lego builder, you have to complete your craft to be satisfied. Video editors edit. If you find yourself continually wanting to open up premiere, or your platform of choice, and whip something together, even if it’s just for yourself, then you have what it takes to edit professionally. 

Looking for more help getting your first job as a video editor? You’re in luck! My SkillShare class is now LIVE and here to help you with all the steps you need to take to set yourself up for your video editing career!


Under 18? How to Get a Video Editing Job as a Teen!