
Calling all video editors!

My blog is dedicated to helping video editors, visual designers, and freelancers of all kinds improve their professional and personal life. My goal is to help you do what you love, and get paid good money doing it!

Colleen Cavolo Colleen Cavolo

6 Signs You’ll Make It as a Freelance Video Editor

It’s hard to tell whether it’s worth going ALL IN on a career in video editing. How do you know you have enough passion in video editing to carry you through the ups and downs? Well in this blog we’re discussing if you have what it TAKES to thrive as a long term freelance video editor.

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Colleen Cavolo Colleen Cavolo

Under 18? How to Get a Video Editing Job as a Teen!

If you’re under 18, the thought of starting your own freelance career might be a little scary. While it can be difficult gaining the trust of clients, it is not impossible, and it can be a great way to get ahead as a freelance video editor.

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Colleen Cavolo Colleen Cavolo

Don’t Make These Video Editing Resume Mistakes!!

I am here to warn you to not make these mistakes on your video editor resume! There’s LOTS of things that can turn a client away when it comes to resumes, and as a video editor, the resume can easily fall second to the demo reel.

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Colleen Cavolo Colleen Cavolo

Setting 2022 Goals as a Freelancer

As a freelancer, you are more than likely your own boss. You NEED to set goals to keep yourself on track to succeed as a freelancer. Here are some tips to help you decide on your goals and get yourself ready to 2022!

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Find Freelance Video Editing Jobs with this 2022 Guide!

Whether you're a beginner video editor or you just graduated from film school, finding video editing jobs can be VERY tough when you don't know where to look!

There are a lot of sites out there for video editing jobs, but today I’m giving you my TOP 10 websites that I LOVE to successfully land video editing jobs!

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