Searching for Video Editing Jobs? My Top 5 Favorite Sites!

You want to get started as a video editor, but WHERE do you start? WHERE do you look for jobs? I know that being a video editor comes very naturally to me. What I DIDN’T KNOW years ago is that landing freelance gigs can be SO tough, especially because I didn’t know where to look! 

There are a lot of sites out there, but today I’m giving you my TOP 5 websites that I’ve used to successfully land video editing jobs, so that you can too :)


Upwork is a great place to connect employers with their perfect freelancer match. They offer all sorts of work opportunities for freelancers, and the best news is - it’s free! 

The signup is free and it’s free to use as long as you’re conservative with your “connects.” However, buying them is relatively cheap. Connects are what freelancers use to submit job proposals in the marketplace on Upwork. You’re given 60 free connects a month, which allows you to apply for a few jobs at once. After you’ve reached your limit, connects are $0.15 each and are sold in bundles of 10, 20, 40, 60, and 80. 

Payment with your employer is then through Upwork, but it is determined by your level of comfort. It’s 20% for the first $500 you bill your client across all contracts with them. Then, 10% after you’ve hit that mark with a specific client. 

The more you work, the more rewarded you get!

For instance, I’ve gotten free connects and I have a “top rated” sticker on my profile from working so much on the platform. Most importantly, I get invites to apply for certain jobs, which require ZERO connects. 

Now, you are starting from the bottom, which means you may need to work for very little money. But with patience and the right application techniques, you’ll be growing your freelance work in now time.

All in all, Upwork is a great platform that allows freelancers to connect with jobs and network with potential employers. 

Staff Me Up 

When I first graduated, I found Staff Me Up for a friend, and it really is a great site for finding local jobs! There are jobs in broadcasting, reality tv, documentaries and more are posted all the time. 

Positions ranging from Production Assistant all the way to whatever your dream job is - you can find it here!

It’s free to sign up, and if you upgrade your membership you can apply to a lot more jobs. You can also promote your applications so you can score the position you want. 


LinkedIn is an awesome source for connecting with professionals, but it’s ALSO a great place where companies post jobs! It’s like its own social media for business professionals. 

Now, the jobs on here can range from corporate to production houses to sports broadcasting. It’s really a great place to search, especially if you’re not sure what you want to do!

You can search with your location to find jobs near you. For me, that gives me a small handful of jobs in my area. So what I do is put “remote” in the location bar and the opportunities go from 5 to 500 real quick.


Similar to LinkedIn, Indeed is surprisingly a great place to apply for remote freelance work!!

Just like LinkedIn, you can input your location OR “remote” into the location bar. I recommend saying remote because the opportunities will be greater. However, keep in mind the competition will also be greater. 

Just like LinkedIn, Indeed is perfect for finding jobs in a corporate setting, as well as positions for production houses and marketing agencies.

Facebook Groups for YouTubers

A great place that I’ve recently found is Facebook Groups! Specifically, look for groups on Facebook catering to YouTubers, not editors. You can join these groups and search “editor” or “editing,” which allows you to get or give insight. You can also introduce yourself on recent posts to make connections with people in your field!!

Facebook Groups are great ways to network and get your foot in the door with the YouTube community. 

Things to Keep in Mind 

What do you want to edit? There’s so many options as a video editor: 

  • YouTube

  • Social Media Advertising

  • Weddings

  • Music Videos

  • Commercials

  • Local News

  • Sports

Also, keep in mind that while opportunity is HUGE when applying online, you are competing with the whole world! So don’t get down if you feel like you’re applying and getting nothing day after day. It takes a lot of time and energy to put yourself out there. But, once you hit a stride and get your toe in the door, you can really make a career for yourself! 

Editor Credit: Kelly Bench


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