Welcome to my Channel!
I help YOU get your dream job in video editing & get paid while doing what you love.
I’m going DEEP with some freelance video editing advice that could help you on your journey to being a full time video editor.
I’ve got some advice on what I’d tell my younger self when it comes to taking risks, starting my freelance video editing business, competition and creativity.
Let’s be real. It’s hard to tell whether it’s worth going ALL IN on a career in video editing. How do you know if you’re good enough?
How do you know you have enough passion to carry you through years of ups and downs with finding clients and trying to make enough money each month.
After years of being a professional video editor, I’ve come to understand the skills and mindset needed to take the leap and pitch yourself as an authority in video editing. I understand the bare minimum of what it takes to get hired. I understand what clients are looking for and what they’re willing the pay for.
So in this video I’m asking the questions you need to keep in mind when considering if the professional video editing path is right for you!
In this video I'm going over the KEY TECHNIQUES you need to know to get hired as a video editor! So whether you're a student studying video editing or you're a beginner just starting to perfect your skills as a video editor, this video is perfect to help you tune in to what you need to learn so you can start making money as a video editor!!